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These are all volunteer roles and are often shared among parents of players also.  Parents may be asked to fill in as coach or manager on occasion if the coach or manager is unavailable. All parents of players are required to share the roles of timing and scoring the team when it is their turn. There is also an requirement for parents to offer to volunteer some time to help out the club incidentally throughout each season as rostered.


All adults and spectators attending games are expected to behave responsibly and act as a good role model to our players. No foul language is acceptable, no abuse of umpires or players (our own or our opposition) is acceptable and spectators can be ordered by the umpires to leave the courts if their behaviour or language is not acceptable.  All umpires should be treated with patience and respect as they are often school students learning how to umpire. 


Our coaches, managers and committee members are all volunteers, please treat them with respect and offer to help them out where possible.  Please make yourself available to fulfill your voluntary roles when you are rostered to do so to avoid creating more work for our volunteer Coaches, Managers and Club Committee Members.   





All coaches are required to have a "working with children check".  Applying for a “working with children check” can be done quite quickly and easily online. You will need to provide 100 points of Identification in order to get the clearance.  If you apply for a volunteer working with children check, there is no cost.  Clearances will last for 3-5 years depending on when your last check was done.  If you have more than 6 months left on a previous check, you can’t reapply for a new clearance.


If you have a clearance from volunteering at your children’s school, you can send a copy through to us to keep on file for our records.


Please click on the link below to apply for a working with children check: 






The Club Team Manager is responsible for the:

  • Administration and management of the team

  • Comply with the Clubs’ Code of Behaviour for Administrator/Players/Coaches

  • Recording scores digitally after each game onto Play HQ

  • Returning original score cards to SAUCNA and keeping a digital copy (photo) in case needed again

  • Ensuring MVP (Most Valuable Player) Votes are done each week and keeping record


Responsibilities and Duties 



  • Communicate game details (time & location) to team (weekly email or SMS). Most teams use a whatsapp group to communicate. 

  • Record the scores for games each week digitally on Play HQ. This should to be done within 24 hours of the game being played if possible. Further instructions, usernames and passwords will be supplied when we receive them from SAUCNA. Each team is responsible to record their own scores digitally. Fines apply if scores are recorded late.

  • Ensure the score card has been photographed (both sides) and original returned to the club rooms immediately after each game at the city courts.  For the suburban games, score cards will need to be returned to SAUCNA (details to follow).

  • Ensure that any new / fill-in players provide Register through Play HQ within 24 hours of playing a game (ideally before the game)

  • create a roster for scorers / timers (also for rostered off players if teams roster players off) 

  • in summer season, check on SAUCNA facebook page if there are any heat cancellations and communicate to the team

  • let club secretary know ASAP if team is forfeiting a game (fines apply for late forfeits (association, umpires and opposition need to be advised)


Game Day 

  • SAUCNA city courts - If you are the home team and the first game for the day, goal post pads are to be collected from the club house and installed and put away after last game. Fines apply if this is not done. This can be done by players or parents.

  • Scorecard is to be completed, please take photos of both sides of the score card and return to club rooms immediately after the game

  • Fines apply for late or incorrectly filled out score cards. Scorecards need to have full name of all players, positions for all quarters to be listed. Progressive scores to be entered for the quarters. Signed by captains and umpires.

  • Arrange scorer and time keeper and ensure they are aware of their duties and paperwork to be completed. No timekeepers are needed for the SAUCNA city courts as they have central timing.

  • Match ball is given to umpires.  

  • Supervise appropriate behaviour of spectators. No foul language is acceptable. No abuse of umpires is acceptable. Inappropriate behaviour can result in spectators being sent away from the courts. All parents should feel free to offer support to umpires if they are being harassed, questioned or criticised by spectators or coaches (umpires are often school students and would appreciate the support).






The Team Coach is responsible for the:

  • Direction / coaching and position allocation of the team

  • Comply with the SAUCNA Code of Behaviour for Administrator/Players/Coaches


Responsibilities and Duties 

The Team Coach has a variety of responsibilities including:



  • Provide coaching advice before and during the game and control positional moves

  • Following the game provide encouraging feedback to players on performance


Game Day 

  • Arrive 20-30 minutes before the game and warm the team up prior to starting

  • Ensure equipment is available. eg. position bibs ready, training and match balls are ready for use, first aid kit courtside, timers available, score sheets are available.

  • Plan and allocate player starting positions. Make positional changes and provide advice to team members as required

  • Coaches of younger grades (U11 and below) are encouraged to rotate players in various positions to provide opportunities for players to have a turn at different positions. This is not a hard and fast rule that all players should play all positions, some players who are new to the game, may benefit from playing a set position for some time to really master the basics of one position before trying other positions and some players will benefit from playing multiple positions to develop as an all-rounder. As the children reach U13, they will begin to find their strongest positions with the occasional opportunity to try other positions where it works within the game plan to try develop their whole game. Players may not always be able to play their favourite position and it is at the coaches discretion to balance what the players want, the players’ abilities and what works for the success of the team as a whole. Teaching players to be good sports and accept the losses with the wins.  

  • City courts - ensure the pole covers are put up for the first game of the night and taken down and returned to the club rooms for the last game of the night.  Players can take turns to do this job also. Fines apply if post covers are not put away at the end of the day

  • Positions are decided upon by the coach.  Coaches are not required to place players in specific positions at parents request.   

End of Game 

  • Debrief team on performance and provide encouraging feedback

  • Collect position bibs from all players and ensure all items are returned to the kit (including balls)

  • Supervise appropriate behaviour of spectators. No foul language is acceptable. No abuse of umpires is acceptable. Inappropriate behaviour can result in spectators being sent away from the courts. All parents should feel free to offer support to umpires if they are being harassed, questioned or criticised by spectators or coaches (umpires are often school students and would appreciate the support)


The above is general advice and coaches are encourage to adopt their own routine as they see fit.







The Umpire mentor is responsible for:

  • Providing feedback, advice, guidance and support to our young umpires

  • Comply with the Clubs’ Code of Behaviour for Administrator/Players/Coaches


Responsibilities and Duties 

  • Stand on the court, a couple of metres back from the sidelines and provide support, positive feedback during the breaks, you don’t need to shadow them up and down the court, but just be there

  • Provide feedback and advice during quarter time and half time breaks rather than during the game

  • Don’t try to intervene with the umpiring calls during the game

  • Don’t take over and make calls on behalf of the umpire unless they ask or look for advice


Things to consider

  • Umpires to ensure that coaches know where they are supposed to stand (at least 1 metre back from the sidelines if there are no lines painted). Coaches are not to stand along the goal end and coach from behind the goal post areas.

  • Coaches are not to walk up and down the whole length of the sidelines during the game, they are required to choose a coaching zone and are required stay in the same spot for the entire game and keep out of the way of umpires. Most clubs use the coaching zones as follows.


  • Coaches / parents / spectators are not to criticise or tell the umpire how to do their job

  • Umpires call is final and should never be questioned by players, parents, spectators, coaches

  • If a player wants clarification on a rule, the Captain and another player may approach the umpire to seek clarification during a quarter time break. Coaches, spectators and parents are not allowed to approach the umpire to seek clarification

  • If a spectator or coach makes inappropriate comments and criticisms towards an umpire, the umpire can offer a free pass to the opposition. What spectators and coaches say on the sidelines can impact the game and be penalised on court.

  • Umpire can provide a warning to any benched players, spectators, coaches for inappropriate or un-sportsman like behaviour. If they continue with inappropriate behaviour, they can be sent away from the court. If the coach is sent away from court, they cannot come back until the end of game, including in the breaks, therefore they won’t be able to coach the remainder of the game.

  • Some clubs don’t allow spectators inside the court area (players and officials only)

  • Umpires should always be treated with respect, even if they make a mistake

  • Provide support if any inappropriate behaviour occurs during the game





Details and Play HQ Logins will be sent to the managers of the team to enter ASAP after the game has finished. 




  • Captains need to be marked on the score card with a "C" next to their name

  • Positions need to be listed on the scorecard for all quarters

  • Players names must be listed IN FULL (surname and first name)

  • Scores need to be listed for each quarter (scores are listed progressively for the quarters)

  • Score cards need to be photographed on both sides and sent to the Score Recorder
    (Team Manager) if Team Manager can’t do it, please send to Club Secretary or Score Recording Administrator

  • White scorecards for home team, blue scorecards for the away team

  • SUMMER SEASON - Score cards to be returned to the club rooms immediately after the game. (take pics of scorecard for our records)

  • WINTER SEASON - For suburban games, score cards need to be posted or returned to SAUCNA and received by Wednesday of the following week. For city games, scorecards to be returned to the club rooms immediately after game (take pics of scorecard for our records). 


 ** If you have any problems entering scores into Play HQ, please email scorecard pics to Club Secretary or Score recording administrator ASAP.  FINES apply for late score cards, lost score cards, scores entered late into results vault and late forfeits. 









Below is a section from Page 67 - 69 of the INF Rules 


13.3 Discipline of team officials and bench players 


During a match team officials and bench players may not: 

  • criticise the umpires or their decisions

  • use offensive, insulting or abusive language and / or gestures 

  • use excessive noise or interruption 

  • encourage foul play by on-court player


Sanction: Penalty pass to the non-infringing team taken where the ball was when play was stopped. If the ball was out of court the penalty pass is taken on court in line with where the ball was out of court. No player is required to stand out of play for the penalty pass. 


Either umpire may hold time and notify the person/s concerned regarding such behaviour


The following progression of actions will normally be used

  • caution

  • warning 

  • order the persons removal from the playing enclosure 


In the event that team officials or bench players do not respond to the umpire actions, the umpire requests the event organiser to remove them from the playing enclosure for the remainder of the match (including any contact with the team during intervals). 



Below is a section from the SAUCNA discipline procedures



 Coaches/Team Officials/Team Bench players 

  • Any team official who is located on the team bench is subject to the INF Rule 13.3 and as such the umpire may Caution, warn or order that the person be removed from the playing area. 

  • Should the official be subject to the last option, removal from the playing area, and that person refuses to leave then the umpire will ask the away team timer to set 30 seconds on the clock. After this time if the person remains then that team will forfeit the match and a forfeit score for the relevant match level will apply. 

  • The umpires will call time, inform both captains, ensure the scorers both identify on the cards that the match is a forfeit and then both umpires leave the court to the safety of the clubrooms (or other such safe location at suburban courts) to advise what they have done. 

  • The scorecards can be signed by the umpires later.   


Please do not criticise or tell the umpires how to do their job

Foul language is not acceptable

Remember this is a game, the players and often umpires are children

Please be respectful, or you may be asked to leave the court as per the INF and SAUCNA rules

Be a good sport and role model good behaviour at all times

Game Plan Template

© 2017 by Glenunga Netball Club


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